Do you recognise any of these great machines? The life of the hovercraft began in 1955 when inventor Sir Christopher Cockerell tested his idea for a floating craft by putting a cat food tin inside a coffee tin.
The plan was to run a summer hover service for tourists for the Isle of Wight and the south of England, but it became a year-round service as it was so popular.
Here are a few of our favourite photos from hovercraft from the past.
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21. Hovercraft from the past
5th August 1965: The Hovertravel express hovercraft service between Ryde and Gosport and Ryde and Southsea, returning after its first trip. (Photo by Peter King/Fox Photos/Getty Images) Photo: The News archive

22. Hovercraft from the past
circa 1959: Christopher Cockerell, inventor of the hovercraft. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) Photo: The News archive