READER'S LETTER: Drivers should legally have to stop if they hit a cat

Our aims are to challenge the laws surrounding it being legally okay for drivers to hit a cat and not stop to help '“ and of course the fact that councils, who collect the '˜roadkill' in the aftermath, are not obliged to scan them and notify distraught owners.

We know personally how this feels and through our public campaigns we have found the general consensus to be the same as ours – anger and outrage.

We have been campaigning on cats’ rights for more than two years now and have managed to change the policy of more than 20 councils who now adopt a scanning approach.

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Also, we have been invited down to Westminster to discuss the issue with very interested MPs. We have also been invited to the Welsh Assembly in September to meet with the MPs who will be debating this issue as a result of our current petition on the Assembly site – which has smashed the target to be debated 14+ times over.

As it stands, a couple of government departments are now reviewing our proposals, so we are very hopeful – we know it’s a huge challenge though, but one where we won’t rest until we achieve it.

We have just launched a new website, basically a consolidation of all our campaigning over the years.

We are offering car bumper stickers (link below) which, although we are only publicly a week old, have been flying off the site – our printers are struggling.

Whether you want to ask a question, share your story, make a contribution, seek support or get involved, we’re here to help.

The #CatsMatter team