New Theatre Royal Panto Cast, Deputy Mayor Tom Coles and Ronan Curtis switching the Christmas lights onNew Theatre Royal Panto Cast, Deputy Mayor Tom Coles and Ronan Curtis switching the Christmas lights on
New Theatre Royal Panto Cast, Deputy Mayor Tom Coles and Ronan Curtis switching the Christmas lights on

Cosham Christmas lights: Nine photos of families enjoying the festive celebrations

THERE were smiles all round as families gathered for Cosham’s Christmas lights switch-on last night.

Following light switch-ons in Commercial Road, Southsea, Gosport and Lee-on-the-Solent, the lights in Cosham were switched on to the delight of locals.

The New Theatre Royal’s panto cast, deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Tom Coles and others were on hand to oversee the event.

To purchase photos, people can email or call 330 403 0033.

The New Theatre Royal’s panto cast, deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Tom Coles and others were on hand to oversee the event.