Here are some of the Ofsted reports for primary schools in the area.Here are some of the Ofsted reports for primary schools in the area.
Here are some of the Ofsted reports for primary schools in the area.

Schools in Hampshire: Here are 65 Ofsted ratings for primary schools in Portsmouth, Havant, Gosport, Waterlooville and Emsworth

Hampshire is home to so many amazing education settings for students at primary school level – here is how some of them have been rated by Ofsted.

Each school will get an Ofsted rating following an inspection from the governing body and they could receive either an outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate rating. If a school receives an inadequate or requires improvement Ofsted rating, they will be monitored to ensure that improvements are made.

Here are 65 Ofsted ratings for primary schools in Portsmouth, Gosport, Havant, Fareham, Emsworth and Waterlooville:

Here are 65 Ofsted ratings for primary schools in Portsmouth, Gosport, Havant, Fareham, Emsworth and Waterlooville: