Ofsted is a governing body that determines how well a school is performing following inspections throughout each setting. If a school receives an outstanding rating, Ofsted will do checks every few years to ensure that the quality of education is being upheld. Ofsted checks schools every four years or 30 months to make sure they are providing the best education possible.
Here are 16 schools in Hampshire that have had Ofsted ratings this year:
1. Ofsted
Here are all of the Ofsted reports that have been published in 2024. Photo: Google
2. Newtown Soberton Infant School
Newtown Soberton Infant School has received a good Ofsted rating following its recent inspection. The report was published on March 18, 2024. Photo: Google
3. Bay House School, Gosport
Bay House School in Gosport has had an Ofsted monitoring visit following a requires improvement rating in its previous full inspection. The monitoring visit was published on March 18, 2024. Picture: Keith Woodland Photo: Keith Woodland
4. Peel Common Infant School and Nursery Unit
Peel Common Infant School and Nursery Unit received a good Ofsted rating in its recent inspection which was published on March 11, 2024. Photo: Google