Plans for new restaurant in Southsea leave bad taste in nearby residents' mouths

The proposed venue on Osborne Road, that is set to occupy the ground and first floors of a four-storey building, would replace Sloane Watches and Jewellery and offer service to 42 customers. The developer, represented by Pike Planning, also intends to add a kitchen and replace the extract duct at the back of the building. But local residents and leaseholders worry the changes will cause several problems. In their joint objection Maria Orichovskyi and Robert Blackman, both of Osborne Road, said: ‘The proposed replacement of the exhaust will cause fumes and smells to rise directly into all flats in the building greatly impacting quality of life. ‘The proposed ventilation and the addition of a commercial kitchen will create a fire risk particularly as the refuse area is at the base of the fire escape creating an obstruction as this area is not sufficient to meet the needs of a commercial kitchen.’ The leaseholders of 98 Osborne Road, L and N Yeshi, agreed and added: ‘We also object to the proposed change to the opening hours from 9am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 10pm on Sundays and bank holidays. This means that the actual operating hours of business will be longer as preparations and cleaning will happen before and after opening hours. This causes further noise and disturbances.’ But in the council report officers noted: ‘Although initially proposing operating hours of 9am to midnight Monday to Saturday and 10am to 10pm Sundays and Bank Holidays, the applicant now proposes to close the premises at 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 10.30pm on Sundays to Thursdays (including bank holidays).’ The report also stated that the Environmental Health Team shared some of the residents’ worries. It said: ‘The location of the kitchen at first floor may exacerbate some of the impacts on the neighbours’ amenity. ‘The EHT is also concerned about heat build-up within what is a small kitchen. There is a risk that to alleviate heat build-up, the door to the rear of the premises will be opened up. This will not only allow the escape of noise but also odour from the kitchen. In addition, the external fire escape at the rear of the property seems likely to become a space for staff to take their breaks.’ Officers have recommended that permission is granted with conditions imposed such as the fire escape remaining accessible and the sound levels of the extractor being tested first. The decision will be made at a planning committee meeting on July 25.