And the Fratton faithful once again made themselves heard as a crowd of 19,254 turned out. Check out our gallery as News photographer, Jason Brown, captured events on and off the pitch.

1. Pompey gallery
Check out our brilliant gallery as Pompey fans roared their team on to victory over Northampton. Pics: Jason Brown. Photo: Jason Brown

2. Pompey gallery
Check out our brilliant gallery as Pompey fans roared their team on to victory over Northampton. Pics: Jason Brown. Photo: Jason Brown

3. Pompey gallery
Check out our brilliant gallery as Pompey fans roared their team on to victory over Northampton. Pics: Jason Brown. Photo: Jason Brown

4. Pompey gallery
Check out our brilliant gallery as Pompey fans roared their team on to victory over Northampton. Pics: Jason Brown. Photo: Jason Brown