Do you agree with how Pompey writer Jordan Cross saw the performances of John Mousinho’s men?
5. Jack Sparkes - 7
The assist king is back! Right on the money with the delivery for Raggett’s first-half header. One or two sloppy moments were drowned out by the positive interventions. Photo: Jason Brown
6. Alex Robertson - 8
Operated in cruise control. Let those around him come to the fore, while producing classy cameos and prompting at the same time as giving defensive insurance. The joy of watching Robertson continues. Photo: Jason Brown
7. Marlon Pack - 7
Total dependency from the skipper. Played a pivotal role in Pompey gaining the ascendancy - and then put the game in his pocket. Photo: Jason Brown
8. Paddy Lane - 9
Too hot for Northampton to handle, giving McGowan a torrid time with his direct running matched by the quality of his finishing. A massive asset on this form. Photo: Jason Brown