How happy is your area? Find out how Portsmouth rates

People in Portsmouth are the happiest they have been in years, new figures have shown.

According to the Office of National Statistics, those in the city are also more satisfied with life and less anxious than in previous years.

The new figures show Portsmouth has scored 7.81 out of 10 for life satisfaction, and 7.64 for happiness.

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People taking part in the survey were asked four questions- how satisfied they are with their lives, how worthwhile what they do is, how happy they felt yesterday and how anxious they felt yesterday.

All respondents had to give a score between zero and 10.

You can find out the scores for your area by using our graphs, provided by ONS, to look up data.

Dawn Snape, from ONS, said: ‘We have seen personal well-being improving on a UK-wide basis over the past five years.

‘But today’s data paints a richer picture, enabling people to explore what’s been happening in their local area.

‘This will help individuals, communities and local authorities to look at well-being locally alongside other traditional measures of progress.’

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