The News has looked at 16 options things to do in Portsmouth other than going to the pub. Here is what we have found.The News has looked at 16 options things to do in Portsmouth other than going to the pub. Here is what we have found.
The News has looked at 16 options things to do in Portsmouth other than going to the pub. Here is what we have found.

Things to do in Portsmouth instead of going to the pub - 16 great ideas

Bereft of ideas of what to do other than popping to your local? Looking for new activities and places to socialise? Well, look no further.

We all love a good pub and while supporting your local is important, sometimes its nice to have a change of scenery. The News has looked at some fantastic activities and places to visit locally. Whether looking for something to do on your own or a new place to socialise with friends and family, Portsmouth and the surrounding area will have an option for you.

Here are 16 options of things to do instead of going to the pub.

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