Pad Thai, Southsea, has a Google rating of 4.9 with 119 reviews.Pad Thai, Southsea, has a Google rating of 4.9 with 119 reviews.
Pad Thai, Southsea, has a Google rating of 4.9 with 119 reviews.

Here are 9 of the best Thai restaurants in Portsmouth, Fareham, Gosport and the surrounding areas - according to Google

The city is full of restaurants that offer delicious cuisine and when it comes to Thai food, the bar is set high.

From Pad Thai to Koh Thai to Fah Thai Restaurant, there is so much to chose from and thanks to Google reviews you need look no further because previous customers have already done the work for you by rating them.

Below are 9 Thai restaurants that have been rated 4 or higher:

Below are 9 Thai restaurants that have been rated 4 or higher: