Leaders in a number of schools across Portsmouth and Hampshire are working hard to make improvements.Leaders in a number of schools across Portsmouth and Hampshire are working hard to make improvements.
Leaders in a number of schools across Portsmouth and Hampshire are working hard to make improvements.

Schools in Portsmouth and Hampshire: These 14 schools working hard following 'requires improvement' Ofsted rating

Leaders and staff members at a number of schools have been working extremely hard to try and make improvements after receiving ‘requires improvement’ ratings.

The body reviews education settings from early learning environments all the way up to college, and annually they publish reports outlining what schools are doing well and what they need to improve on.

An education setting can be presented with one of four Ofsted ratings including outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate. If a school receives a rating of inadequate, it will be monitored closely by the government body to ensure that improvements are made and all of the monitoring visits should also be published.

Schools that receive a ‘requires improvement’ rating are also monitored by the body to ensure that action is taken to see positive results.

Here are 14 schools that are working hard to improve its Ofsted rating from ‘requires improvement’ to good:

An education setting can be presented with one of four Ofsted ratings including outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate. If a school receives a rating of inadequate, it will be monitored closely by the government body to ensure that improvements are made and all of the monitoring visits should also be published.