It also includes memories of Empire Day, which was a celebration of the British Empire that was held for many years in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and other countries. It took place every year on May 24, the date of Queen Victoria’s birthday. People would salute the union flag and sing patriotic songs.
The Portsdown and Horndean Light Railway, a tram service that ran from Cosham to Horndean, is also featured.
The service opened on the March 3 1903. The route ran alongside the London Road, which is now the A3. From 1924 the light railway trams ran to the town hall, later to Clarence Pier and to South Parade Pier.
MORE RETRO PHOTOS: Portsmouth in 1988 | The 1963 Big Freeze | Havant’s West Street
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5. Memories of Waterlooville
Stakes Hill, Waterlooville, when it was no more than a tranquil backwater. Photo: The News archvie

8. Memories of Waterlooville
A quiet time in Waterlooville when the A3 London Road used to pass though. Photo: The News archive