The carrier will soon be returning home to Portsmouth after her first operational mission – having departed in May and spent seven months at sea.
In honour of this, we have pulled together a number of facts you might not know about HMS Queen Elizabeth.
You can see them all by looking through the gallery below.
Make sure to click on each page!
. HMS Queen Elizabeth facts
HMS Queen Elizabeth facts Photo: JPIMedia
. Two HMS Queen Elizabeth's a century apart
The first HMS Queen Elizabeth was completed 100 years before the launch of the new one Photo: Topical Press Agency
. The 'ski jump'
The take-off ramp is officially called the ‘ski-jump’ Photo: Matt Cardy
. How high are the ski-jumps?
The ski-jumps are 6 metres high Photo: Carl Court
. World first design
The Queen Elizabeth Class are the first aircraft carriers in the world to incorporate a twin-island design, which separates command of the ship from flying operations and increases survivability Photo: Matt Cardy
. Millions of pieces
Both the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carriers are made up of 17 million parts each Photo: Andrew Milligan
. Design and construction was truly UK wide
Shipyards in six cities across the UK helped constructed sections of the aircraft carriers. In fact, the design, build and development of the Queen Elizabeth Class has been a truly national effort, involving every region in the UK Photo: Chris Ison
1. Two HMS Queen Elizabeth's a century apart
The first HMS Queen Elizabeth was completed 100 years before the launch of the new one Photo: Topical Press Agency
2. The 'ski jump'
The take-off ramp is officially called the ‘ski-jump’ Photo: Matt Cardy
3. How high are the ski-jumps?
The ski-jumps are 6 metres high Photo: Carl Court
4. World first design
The Queen Elizabeth Class are the first aircraft carriers in the world to incorporate a twin-island design, which separates command of the ship from flying operations and increases survivability Photo: Matt Cardy