Peaceful gatherers from a recently formed group dubbed “Portsmouth Patriots” were in Guildhall as was Portsmouth Stand Up To Racism, which had mobilised another Unity Rally.
The protest was peaceful as Unity protestors gathered on the opposite side of Guildhall to the Patriots with Union Jack flags. Unity protesters were seen holding up signs up saying “stop the far right” and “refugees welcome” while Portsmouth Patriots held aloft signs saying “British homes for British people” and “protect our children”.
Police were seen speaking to a posse of individuals during the protest and occupying space between the groups. No arrests were made, with a force spokesperson saying: “We haven’t seen any issues as a result of the activity at Guildhall Square so far, and no arrests have been made in relation to the protest.”
A spokesperson for Portsmouth Patriots rejected accusations of racism and said they are only trying to protect British heritage: “We are Portsmouth Patriots, who support the Christian culture of our country. Some of us are practising Christians, some aren't. We were trying to highlight many issues that concern the British people now more than ever. We are not far-right.”
A spokesperson for Stand Up to Racism said of their demonstration: “The aim is to continue to show that Portsmouth is overwhelmingly a diverse and inclusive community.”

1. Protesters in Guildhall Square
Peaceful protesters in Guildhall Square on Saturday morning Photo: Mike Cooter

2. Protesters in Guildhall Square
Police occupy the space between the two groups of protestors in Guildhall Square. Picture: Mike Cooter (280924) Photo: Mike Cooter

4. Protesters in Guildhall Square
Peaceful protesters in Guildhall Square on Saturday morning Photo: Supplied