Piper the hedgehog has found his forever home after finding himself is a pickle.Piper the hedgehog has found his forever home after finding himself is a pickle.
Piper the hedgehog has found his forever home after finding himself is a pickle.

Hedgehog: Six photos of Piper the Whiteley hedgehog who has found his forever home

Here are six photos of Piper the hedgehog who has finally found a forever home after getting stuck in a pipe.

Piper found himself in a prickle after he managed to get lodged in a pipe and needed some assistance from the Hampshire Hedgehog Rescue Collective who were called out.

He was found in Whiteley at just 200g, and they found that he had lungworm, roundworm and coccidia. He was also treated for ringworm. An X-ray taken by the Alver Veterinary Group found that he has an underdeveloped front paw which will never grow paws.

Piper has secured a garden to go to which has lots of foliage and leaves.

He was found in Whiteley at just 200g, and they found that he had lungworm, roundworm and coccidia. He was also treated for ringworm. An X-ray taken by the Alver Veterinary Group found that he has an underdeveloped front paw which will never grow paws.

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