There are a number of different places in the city and the surrounding areas that are perfect if you are looking for a scenic stroll.There are a number of different places in the city and the surrounding areas that are perfect if you are looking for a scenic stroll.
There are a number of different places in the city and the surrounding areas that are perfect if you are looking for a scenic stroll.

In pictures: These 11 picturesque walks in Hampshire are not to be missed, according to our readers

If you are someone that enjoys taking a leisurely stroll in a beautiful setting, then look no further because Hampshire is home to a long list of perfect walking spots.

If you enjoy taking a stroll through a place bursting with history, then Old Portsmouth is the one for you – or if you prefer a quiet and picturesque nature setting, then Portchester Castle or Holly Hill could be for you.

Here are 11 stunning walking spots in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas:

Here are 11 stunning walking spots in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas: