While the show has kept viewers hooked on the criminal activities of the Shelby family in the aftermath of the First World War, it has also served as an inspiration for new parents when picking out a baby name. Vintage monikers have seen a surge in popularity in the last few years, with traditional choices winning out over modern alternatives - including character names from the much-loved show. Listed are the 12 top baby boy and girl names inspired by Peaky Blinders, according to research compiled by Nannies Matter.
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Would you choose any of these names? Photo: BBC
. Ada
Girl’s name. Origin: German. Meaning: Noble Photo: BBC
. Arthur
Boy’s name. Origin: English. Meaning: Celtic meaning of ‘bear’ Photo: BBC
. Polly
Girl’s name. Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: Sea Photo: BBC
. Tommy
Boy’s name. Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: Derived from the Freek name Teoma meaning “twin” Photo: BBC
1. Ada
Girl’s name. Origin: German. Meaning: Noble Photo: BBC
2. Arthur
Boy’s name. Origin: English. Meaning: Celtic meaning of ‘bear’ Photo: BBC
3. Polly
Girl’s name. Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: Sea Photo: BBC
4. Tommy
Boy’s name. Origin: Hebrew. Meaning: Derived from the Freek name Teoma meaning “twin” Photo: BBC