Football Manager 2023 has revealed their estimated wages for every League One side.Football Manager 2023 has revealed their estimated wages for every League One side.
Football Manager 2023 has revealed their estimated wages for every League One side.

How the League One wage bills at Portsmouth, Ipswich, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby & Co compare - according to Football Manager 2023: in pictures

Football Manager 2023 has revealed some intriguing statistics after it estimated each League One club’s weekly wage.

The popular managerial simulation game is set to be released tomorrow.

However, Pompey’s estimated numbers have already been unveiled ahead of the launch.

But how do these figures compare to their League One rivals?

We’ve taken a look at the Blues’ third tier opposition to discover how Football Manager have estimated each club’s weekly wages.

NOTE: These numbers are estimated by the popular game and are not real life counts.

But how do these figures compare to their League One rivals?