Shops in Cosham: 11 places you can get a coffee on Cosham high street including Costa, Greggs and Mystic River Lounge

Cosham’s high street is home to a host of indepent shops alongside shops and major high street retailers making it ideal for a shopping spree.

While an afternoon spent browsing the aisles can take it’s toll, there is no need to shop until you drop in Cosham as there are plenty of cafes to choose from from a much-needed caffeine boost.NOW READ: Arepa 2Go opens its first permanent restaurant in Southsea, offering authentic Venezuelan food

From places like Greggs where you can get lunch and a cuppa, to more off-beat offerings like Cosham’s ‘spiritual style cafe’ the Mystic River Lounge, there are plenty of options on High Street alone.

Here are 11 places you can get a coffee on Cosham high street:

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