Men have to learn that times have changed | Rick Jackson

DEFIANT: Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del RayDEFIANT: Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Ray
DEFIANT: Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Ray
You don’t need me to tell you times are very different these days. We are more cynical, guarded and see the world in a negative light. Nothing shows this more in popular culture than the current Top 40.

What are kids buying/downloading these days?

More so than ever, it’s about girl power, female empowerment and the male of the species has had to move on.

Some of the songs I’ve played on the breakfast show this week summed it up nicely for me.

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You To Me Are Everything by the Real Thing in 1976 bursts with positive vibes about how this woman makes the man feel. ‘The sweetest song that I can sing, oh baby’!

Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship shows how positive they felt about their future.

I then played Don’t Call Me Angel by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Ray. Life and love is very different for them. There are no rose-tinted glasses.

Lyrics like ‘I make my money, and I write the checks, so say my name with a little respect’ is a perfect example of that girl power and shows how women are fed up being strung a line by men. Today, most men would now be running a mile.

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My favourite line is ‘You better stop the sweet talk and keep your pretty mouth shut’.

This makes me think of all the fellas trying those chat up lines in nightclubs over the years who are now getting a taste of their own medicine.

Nowadays, Marvin Gaye would be laughed out of the room if he announced to a woman that he was feeling ‘hot just like an oven’ and that he needed ‘some lovin’. He’d be told to take a cold shower and not bother her again.

When Def Leppard exclaimed Pour Some Sugar On Me in 1987, they obviously didn’t worry about obesity, Type 2 diabetes or the prospect of being slapped around the face.

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With Taylor Swift spilling the beans on her exes, Adele’s melancholy look at her past relationships and Ariana Grande discarding men like used tissues, you need to have more than just the gift of the gab in 2019!


Second referendum is only way to end Brexit madness

I’m very concerned politicians believe the best way to break the Brexit deadlock is to have a general election. For the only way to end this madness is to go back to the people with a second referendum.

In 2016, if you voted leave did you do so wanting a full ‘no deal’ break, or did you envisage a soft deal-based Brexit? Will leavers get what the thought they would?

We must be asked again. With the deal in place, we’d be much better informed about what Brexit would mean. The result should then be legally binding.

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We should not have to go to the polls to decide on our welfare, education, security, health and other important general matters as well as EU membership.


Tantrums? Just part of life with a lovable threenager…

Talk about tantrums, I’ve never seen anything like it with my three-year-old!

Sarah says the first thing she says to her in the morning is ‘where’s daddy’ and my heart melts. In the evening, she’s screams in the shower ‘I want mummy, not you’ and gives me a right hook! Just part and parcel of life with a threenager I hear you say.

 If Holly doesn’t want to do something, that’s it, game over, unless you want hours of whingeing. Bribery’s the best medicine, angel cake or an episode of Paw Patrol helps.

I’m sure you never forget the tantrums, but the singing, dancing, laughing and cuddling makes up for it in spades.