Included in this collection are the old gates and entrance to St Mary’s Hospital, inside the asylum at St James’, the devastation after Arnold’s sweet shop took a direct hit from a bomb, members of the Gilbert family outside their shop selling ice cream and Kingston Prison, an aerial from the past.
MORE RETRO: 12 amazing old images from Farlington's past | Great memories of the fire service in Portsmouth throughout the years
You will also see a few school group shots from times gone by.

1. Memories from Milton
Former MP David Martin joins in playtime with children from Milton Park School. The News PP3773 Photo: The News archive

2. Memories from Milton
Cows at Milton Asylum Part of the cow herd belonging to what was then called Milton Asylum. Picture: Barry Cox postcard collection. Photo: The News archive

3. Memories from Milton
The main gate to St Mary's Hospital, Milton Road circa 1937 Photo: The News archive

4. Memories from Milton
VE Day St Jamess Hospital, Milton Under shady trees to keep off the hot sun, staff and their children from St Jamess Hospital celebrate the peace with a party. Photo: The News archive