A new hole has been created at the site for a new water tank to be put in place, while pipe and concreate works are carried out at pool which is being refurbished by Portsmouth City Council as part of a huge project to make it usable again. It forms part of a wider regeneration project utilizing government cash for the scheme to regenerate the area.
1. Hilsea Lido
Progress at Hilsea Lido Photo: Portsmouth City Council
2. Hilsea Lido
A hole has been dub for the huge backwash tank. The team had to dig through 5ft of clay here, as well as lots of top soil and have even found three tree stumps in this hole. This week the backwash tank will be lowered into the hole and fitted into place Photo: Portsmouth City Council
3. Hilsea Lido
This backwash tank (water filter) is just under 10.5 metres long, which is the same as two elephants, nose to tale. If full to the brim it can hold 50,791 litres of water, which is the same as 25,395 bottles of pop! This type of water filter got its name because it cleans and renews itself by backwashing - reversing the flow of water so that it enters from the bottom of the filter bed, lifts and rinses the bed, then exits through the top of the filter tank. Photo: Portsmouth City Council
4. Hilsea Lido
Lots of pipe work has now been fitted amongst all the starter bars in the pool. This area still has more concrete to be added, which will be happening any day now. Photo: Portsmouth City Council