Youngsters dressed in blue, themed costumes – from Pompey football fan John Portsmouth Football Club Westwood to the Beach Dubbin’ festival – in their celebration of the city on Friday, October 20. “Proud to be Pompey Day”, launched by councillor Tom Coles and Nikki Coles as part of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Charity Appeal, saw roughly a third of Portsmouth’s infant, junior and primary schools take part.
On the day itself and on Thursday, October 19, they enjoyed activities like making their own Spinnaker Towers, learning about the history of their city and getting an insight into what mayors and mayoresses do.
The Mary Rose Trust and Portsmouth Museum provided educational resources for the childrens’ activities and each school was given a family ticket for the D-Day Story to distribute through raffles and competitions.
Money raised through fundraising will go towards Portsmouth Hospitals Charity, Home Start and the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC).
Here are 15 pictures of children having fun on “Proud to be Pompey Day”: